Monday, July 16, 2012

Why I Made This Blog.. :)

I have a facebook page and everyone was always asking me about my experience with photoshoots so I came up with the idea of creating a blog and when I have a photoshoot I can post about it here:) All of these photos belong to the photographers who took them so please don't save them for yourself! Just a little about my modeling. If you didn't read the about me already, I want to start a campaign and be a role model for men and women encouraging them that no matter what happens in life you can still be strong, confident and follow your dreams. I am the living proof of it. I never thought I could be a model even though it was a dream of mine. I thought this because I am not exactly the tallest person and I have had a bunch of sugeries that saved my life that resulted in scars on my body. Little did I know following my dreams was more than possible. I did my first photoshoot and fell in love! Modeling is not just about taking pictures. It's about being part of a team and helping others follow their dreams. I hope y'all like this blog and get a glimpse of my passion:)

My facebook Page Feel free to LIKE & SHARE :)

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